Dominant Car

The Albanian traffic rules, despite some similarities with the norms of other European countries, have their own unique features.  For a foreigner, following certain strategies is important, because of the varied state of the asphaltic surface, and sometimes the local drivers ignore Traffic Rules.

First and foremost, it is advised that you thoroughly research the local traffic laws and regulations and become acquainted with the culture of Albanian drivers.

Due to possible unpredictable situations, it is important to remain calm and patient while driving.

Attention to official traffic regulations is an essential part of safe travel.

Avoid violations such as speeding, incorrect maneuvers, or parking in the wrong places. This is not only a way to prevent possible fines, but also contributes to overall road safety.

Be prepared for changeable road conditions and unexpected traffic situations. Maintain a safe distance between cars, taking into account the peculiarities of local traffic.

And, of course, remember that following the Rules of the Road is not only a duty, but also a guarantee of your safety and the safety of other road users.

It is important to note that the payment of fines for traffic violations is the responsibility of the lessee if the offense occurred during the rental period of a rental car. Therefore, when driving a rented car in Albania, it is important to strictly follow all road rules and regulations.


Right-hand traffic: Traffic is carried out on the right side of the road.

Speed limits:

  • 130 km/h – on motorways;
  • 90 km/h – on the main intercity routes;
  • 80 km/h – on secondary intercity roads;
  • 40 km/h – within localities.


Payment of fines: In case of violation of Traffic Rules, the driver of the car is responsible for paying fines. This is an important rule that should be followed in order to avoid negative consequences.

Road signs and markings: Pay close attention to road signs and markings, as they inform about traffic rules, restrictions and dangers on the road.

Checkpoints: Make way for those who have an advantage according to the rules. The rules for granting an advantage are often regulated by road signs.

Seat belts: Use seat belts for both the driver and passengers. This is a mandatory requirement to ensure safety in case of road accidents.

When driving on a country route and seeing a sign with a speed limit, especially between 40 and 50 km/h, it’s crucial to abide by the posted limitations. These road segments might be continuously monitored by traffic police or security cameras.

Speeding fines in Albania

A brief description of speeding fines in Albania:

Up to 10 km/h:

Fine: 1000 – 3000 lek (~10-30 euros).

10-30 km/h:

Fine: 2000 – 4000 lek (~20-40 euros).

20-40 km/h in populated areas; 30-50 km/h outside populated areas:

Fine: 5000 – 15,000 LEK (~50-150 euros).

Deprivation of rights for three months.

More than 40 km/h in populated areas; more than 50 km/h outside them:

Fine: 10000 – 20000 lek (~100-200 euros).

Deprivation of rights for 3-6 months.


These rules and fines in Albania are an important part of ensuring road safety. Drivers should strictly follow these rules in order to avoid fines and ensure the safety of themselves, passengers and other road users. Below is a brief overview of some of these rules:

Seat belts

It is mandatory to use seat belts for all passengers in the front and rear seats.

Children under the age of three require special fixation systems.

Penalty for non-use of belts and improper transportation of children: from 5,000 to 15,000 lek (~50-150 Euros). In case of repeated violation, there may be deprivation of rights.


Low beam headlights:

Required in conditions of poor visibility.

Fine: from 500 to 2500 LEK (~5-25 euros).

Crossing the zebra crossing:

Make sure to give way to pedestrians on a zebra crossing.

Fine: from 500 to 2000 LEK (~5-20 euros).

Use of mobile phones:

It is allowed only with the use of hand-free devices.

Fine: from 5,000 to 15,000 LEK (~50-150 euros).

Passage to the forbidding traffic light:

Fine: from 5,000 to 20,000 LEK (~50-200 euros) and/or imprisonment for a period of 6 to 12 months.


Driving under the influence of alcohol:

Fines depend on the level of alcohol in the blood, and may also include deprivation of rights for various periods.

Fines are increased by two thirds if the violation is committed at night (from 22:00 to 07:00).


Communication with the traffic police is an important moment that requires attention and respect. Here are some recommendations on how to behave when interacting with police officers in the event of a stop:

Stay calm and polite:

Approach the situation calmly, avoid conflicts.

Be polite and respectful when dealing with a policeman.

Provide the necessary documents:

Show the employee your license, registration certificate, insurance and car rental agreement.

Communicate clearly and slowly:

Keep in mind that most police officers may have limited English skills.

If you encounter language difficulties, use a translator on your phone.

In case of misunderstanding, ask for additional instructions.

Don’t argue on the road:

In case of disagreement with the decision of the policeman, keep calm and agree to the check.

Arguments and aggressive behavior can lead to more serious consequences.

If a fine is issued by the police, it is recommended to show restraint and respect. The amount of the fine in Albania may vary. It is important to behave patiently and remain calm, even with a large variation in the amount of fines.

Bribing police officers is against the law and should be avoided as it carries severe consequences. Paying the fine using the provided receipt could be a more profitable choice in some situations. Following to legal procedures is crucial in order to prevent unanticipated consequences.

There are several ways to pay a fine issued by a policeman:

Personal payment:

Use the services of the nearest police station, bank, Western Union office or post office.

Discount when paying on time:

If the fine is paid within 15 days from the date of its receipt or final decision, a 50% discount is provided.

Online system

Fines issued using cameras are sent to the online system within a few days.

The rental company will notify the customer of the debt, provide confirmation of the violation with an indication of the exact date and offer available payment options.

It is recommended to respond promptly to notifications of fines in order to take advantage of a possible discount when paying on time. This will help you save money and avoid additional inconveniences.

When foreign tourists drive in Albania, they may be surprised, annoyed, or even a little scared. Local drivers seldom use turn signals, drive quickly, and frequently ignore traffic laws. They also frequently overtake in prohibited areas. However, despite initial impressions, the situation is not as scary as it might seem. It’s just important to take into account national peculiarities, be careful and stay calm.

Local drivers rarely turn on their turn signals. At intersections and circles, keep an eye on the movement of neighboring cars. Some ignore the rules of assignment. Even if there is a traffic light, beware of unexpected maneuvers by other road users. If they are trying to overtake you in the wrong place, it is better to give way and let another driver pass. Pedestrians often cross the road in unidentified places. Slow down the speed in advance.

There are many mountain serpentines in Albania with sharp turns and narrow sections. You should be especially careful on such roads and avoid unnecessary haste. In rainy weather, the asphalt can become slippery. Maintain a safe speed and be extremely careful. On secondary roads in remote areas, slow down, taking into account the possible poor condition of the pavement.

Fuel consumption increases in the mountains, and gas stations are not always close. Take care of the fuel supply in advance.

 Locals often stop on the road to communicate with other road users. If you take your time, be patient and give the signal. Accept local transport features as part of the country’s unique experience, adapt to them and, of course, follow the rules of the road.

An excellent method to see this stunning nation at your own speed is to rent a car in Albania.

Have an enjoyable safe trip!