Dominant Car

Investments in Albania: how soon will the country join the European Union and what is being done for this

Albania currently holds EU candidate status. This does not imply that the nation will automatically become a member of the European Union; much effort still has to be made in this regard. This specifically relates to legislative changes. The EU criteria must be followed. Future modifications will impact the legal system, anti-corruption policies, and numerous other areas.

In 2023, the EU allocated 82.6 million Euros to Albania to improve the functioning of justice, where respect for human rights is a key issue. However, focusing on laws does not mean that the country will do only that. Numerous other problems need to be resolved for it to become more appealing to investors, more exciting for tourists, and to generally enhance infrastructure and quality of life.

Investors’ primary area of interest is real estate

Real estate is where most investments are concentrated in Albania. Its price is rising every year. For example, two years ago in Tirana the cost per square meter in the city center was 1,200 euros. Now this amount is twice as high. At the same time, you can buy housing in a new building a little cheaper. Judging by the trends, in another two years the cost of such objects will also increase.

This interest in real estate in the country is due to the fact that the government is trying to create comfortable conditions for investors – this applies to both tax benefits and many other rules.

Tourism is also actively developing – trips to Albania are becoming more and more popular, and more interesting places for tourists are appearing. The country begins to earn more and this stabilizes its economy and allows it to gradually grow. Accordingly, the attractiveness of the state for investors increases.

Attention to infrastructure, roads

In large cities of Albania, the infrastructure is quite developed, which cannot yet be said about small towns and other settlements. But the government is trying to correct existing problems. For example, in recent years a lot of attention has been paid to the quality of roads. They are constantly being changed and repaired – thanks to this, local residents and tourists can freely move around the country by car. By the way, this is the most convenient and profitable option, because public transport in Albania is still unstable.

Inexpensive car rental in Albania is available to you in our DOMINANT CAR service. If you want to travel around this beautiful country or look at it from an investment point of view, then getting around by car will be the best solution.