Dominant Car

Albania's cities: where to relax and what to see

The cities of Albania are really treasures for tourists who enjoy combining beach trips with visits to historical sites, studying historic buildings, dining at restaurants with delicious cuisine, and visiting restaurants. In this country you can find absolutely everything for an intense, memorable holiday that will delight you with memories for a long time.

It is impossible to describe at one time all the places that are worth visiting in Albania – they are too multifaceted and unusual. But we have made for you a short selection of places where you can look. It is not necessary to do this at once, because you will definitely want to return to this country. This means that you can create a new route for yourself each time and discover Albania from a different side.

Places to visit in Albania

If you want to get a feel for this country, be sure to visit the following cities and places.


Here we recommend taking a walk through the historical center of the city, going to the Rozafa Fortress, looking into the Lead Mosque, and then stopping by Lake Ohrid. Be sure to visit the Mes Arch Bridge, 8 kilometers from the city. And if you drive 50 km away from it towards the city of Coman, you can enjoy incredibly beautiful nature.


The second city in every sense after the capital, Tirana, has a colossal history lasting 2.5 thousand years. Today this is a real value not only for the country, but for all humanity. In this Albanian city, you can admire the remains of an ancient Roman amphitheater, sit in the café of the Venetian Tower, visit the old Fatih Mosque and visit the Church of Saints Paul and Astia. This is a great option for those who are already tired of the beaches and want to learn something new. And, like other Albanian cities, Durres has very tasty cuisine – don’t forget to try the local dishes.


Charming Kruja will not let you go without silver jewelry – the local market has an excellent selection of silver at low prices. Of course, you will also find many national souvenirs there. But it is much more valuable to enjoy the beauty of local architecture and nature by going up to the castle and looking at the ancient city from above. Be sure to visit the Skanderbeg Museum – this is a very important part of the trip if you want to learn more about the history of the Albanians.


Even UNESCO acknowledges the importance of this city to human history. If you’re considering traveling to Albania, it might be worthwhile to include it in your schedule.

The city is very beautiful, with unusual ancient architecture. Having arrived there, go to the Illyrian fortress, see the ruins of the Red Mosque, and look into all the Orthodox churches in the city that you can find. It is especially important not to miss the Church of the Holy Trinity, which seems to float above the cliff. And don’t forget about the local winery, where you can taste a variety of wines and snacks.

In addition to the listed locations, during a trip to Albania we recommend visiting the city of Gjirokastra, as well as the Sazan-Karaburun and Logara national parks.

The easiest way to plan a holiday in Albania is to rent a car. Local transport works quite poorly and does not allow you to book or buy tickets online at all. This makes life very difficult for tourists. But renting a DOMINANT CAR solves these issues in a few minutes. You can fill out an online application on our website, select the appropriate dates, as well as the place where you will pick up the car – and we will do the rest for you!