Dominant Car

How to rent a car in Albania on our website in 5 minutes


If you are planning a trip to Albania or a business trip to this country, then think through the routes in advance, as well as the ways in which you will get from point A to point B. And this is not trivial advice that is given to all travelers. The fact is that transport in Albania is a rather specific area.

Since the main territory of the country is occupied by mountains, it is impossible to lay an extensive network of wide roads or railway tracks in sufficient quantities. Narrow and inconvenient roads have led to the fact that buses actively operate only between large cities, where this issue has been more or less resolved. Intercity flights are very infrequent and inconsistent, and keeping track of the schedule is a task with an asterisk. You cannot buy tickets online or by card at all, which also complicates the situation.

All this has led to the fact that for tourists, renting a cheap car in Albania is the only comfortable and affordable opportunity to move around the country without unnecessary difficulties. That is why we created our DOMINANT CAR service, which helps you rent a car on favorable terms.

How to register a rental on the website

To do this you need:

  • Choose a car that suits your characteristics. All main parameters of the machines are indicated in the catalog. Our equipment is economical, we service it on time and refuel it before handing it over to the client.
  • Indicate the point where you will pick up the car, as well as the location where you plan to return it. Please note that the price of the service also depends on this.
  • Choose dates that are convenient for you. The system will automatically calculate the amount, after which you can book a car on the same page.
  • Prepare your documents. We always draw up an agreement, so the terms of cooperation are transparent and understandable, they protect each party from unforeseen circumstances.


Renting a car in Albania on favorable terms is possible if you contact us. We speak English, Russian and Albanian, so we can answer all your questions and explain in detail all the details of cooperation.

Preliminary consultation

If you are just planning to visit the cities of Albania in the future, but you still have questions about our service, at the bottom of the site you will always find an email address and telephone number. There is also a special widget on the right side of the site to write to us in any messenger! You can contact us and clarify in advance any questions you have doubts about.

Choose DOMINANT CAR – travel around Albania profitably and comfortably!

Comic about rental car in Albania by DOMINANT CAR Comic about rental car in Albania by DOMINANT CAR Comic about rental car in Albania by DOMINANT CAR